Hope and New Life
Published: 1st April 2019Elections and Celebration
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Elections and Celebration
14-church landmark in Shropshire
A Community Fridge in Telford is proving a popular resource for local people.
The new woodland will be blessed ahead of its summer opening.
An energy recovery facility visit showed the way we treat our waste is key.
Churches are encouraged to host café-style meetings to bring together people over Brexit.
Local churches are asked to spearhead efforts to tackle climate change.
A service to remember Riley, Keegan, Tilly Rose and Olly is on 28 March.
Interview with the vicar, Revd Maureen Read
Over recent years, churches and dioceses have stepped up support
The Church is at the center of a new charter to drive out loan sharks.
Jeremy Stretton is Dementia coordinator for a church in north Shropshire
St Chad is to be immortalised with new public artwork to mark his 1,350th anniversary.
Hearing first hand about how vulnerable women will benefit from the Bishop's Lent Appeal.
I, Daniel Blake and the bible come together thanks to a Wolverhampton curate.
Appointments and Departures
The inaugural St Chad's Medal awards took place at Lichfield Cathedral yesterday.
A Wolverhampton church takes part in the national launch of Holy Communion in Persian.
New York priest Yejide Peters has begun a new role in the heart of Shrewsbury.
True celebrities and icons of our time
A Wolverhampton church hosted a fashion show with a difference on Monday...
The 14 churches of Ellesmere Deanery have signed up to becoming Dementia-friendly Churches
In conversation with an eminent speaker
A Wolverhampton church will feature a charity catwalk as 'fast fashion' is in the spotlight.
Appointments and Departures
School pupils join the Bishop of Lichfield on a visit to the National Holocaust Centre.
Soil, milk churns and a plough are blessed at a special service.
A formerly at-risk Shropshire church looks to the future thanks to repairs funding.
The Revd Lesley Bentley is to step down from a role she began in 2009.
The Archdeacon of Lichfield is standing down to devote himself to parish ministry.