Churchwardens' Handbook

Below are a number of topics regarding the role, duties, and responsibilities of being a church warden. These include links to further reading; information on who to contact in certain circumstances; and the basis in Canon Law for the role of church warden.

Also of interest to church wardens and other officers of the church, is the diocese’s Church Officers Training which took place in October.

The Role and Duties of a Churchwarden

Churchwardens have important legal responsibilities, but the office also has a vital spiritual, pastoral and mission dimension – the duty is to be foremost among the laity in the life and mission of the Church in the parish.

Churchwardens' Handbook - Safeguarding

The Diocese of Lichfield has a robust safeguarding policy and process which all ministers and parishes must comply with.

Good Practice and PCCs

The membership of the PCC is set out in the Church Representation Rules 2022.

PCCs and Charitable Status

PCCs are charities established by the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956, which sets out the purpose of the PCC as "promoting in the parish the whole mission of the Church".

Churchwardens and Worship

Overall, as officers of the bishop and key lay representatives, the role of churchwardens with regard to worship is one of ensuring that the church, in any particular place, fulfils its calling appropriately.

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