#NewRevs 2022 - Sue Phillips

Sue is to be ordained as a deacon on Sunday 26 June and will serve her curacy at St Martin's Walsall.

Sue has lived in West Bromwich all her life; she is married to Clive and has four children, seven grandchildren and a Labrador, so there is never a dull moment. Over the years Sue has worked with young children and at several charities, helping young people and adults with learning disabilities to find employment. She always felt that God was alongside her in her work and that this was part of her calling to ministry.

Sue returned to church in her thirties and has been on an adventure with God ever since, certainly never dreaming that it would lead to ordination. She became a Reader in 2011 and has loved every minute of lay ministry but felt a continued call to ordination, which she tried her best to ignore. The call of the congregation at church and the support of several priests gave her courage to take that step forward.

Sue believes that God is calling her to walk alongside those who are searching for meaning in their lives, those who are lonely or vulnerable, to give them confidence that God loves them unconditionally. Sue is excited to be serving her curacy in Walsall, in what is a new tradition for her. She is looking forward to worshipping God in new and exciting ways.

Sue feels that the biggest misconception about preparing for ministry is that you have to be an academic person with degrees under your belt. This is not true, although writing essays was difficult at first, she had lots of support at Queen’s college, from Tutors and fellow students which helped Sue to grow in confidence.

Sue found it difficult to accept God’s call to ordained ministry because she thought that she was too old and not 'clever' enough. She would urge anyone to not let your own fears stop you, put your trust in God and remember that with God all things are possible.

Page last updated: Monday 20th June 2022 7:45 AM
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