Appointment of Persian woman as bishop welcomed
Published: 11th July 2017Bishop Michael congratulates Canon Guli Francis-Dehqani - the first Bishop of Loughborough.
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Bishop Michael congratulates Canon Guli Francis-Dehqani - the first Bishop of Loughborough.
Former interfaith advisor retires from parish ministry.
The historic building has received a £216,900 National Lottery grant.
11 deacons were ordained on Saturday and 11 on Sunday at Lichfield Cathedral.
Bishop Mark, Homer Simpson, and Churchill on failure.
A Shrewsbury church will celebrate the ordination of three new curates.
People from faith groups came together to act on rising homelessness in the West Midlands.
Pottery giant Wedgwood supports the crowdfunding campaign which offers a warm welcome.
A longer version of a blog written for the Alzheimer's Society
Over 50 vehicles help ignite a fresh expression of church for car lovers.
A Church project creates a striking community art piece inspired by Jo Cox MP.
The headteacher at a Stoke Church School is 'honoured' with Queen's recognition.
Bishop Michael reflects on a death well died.
Back a new crowdfunding campaign to offer a warm welcome.
The Bishop of Lichfield visited a far-flung corner of the Diocese to see a unique church.
Efforts to save redundant church go to new heights.
Bishop Michael welcomes visitors from his ex-diocese at the centre of the recent terror attack.
Pioneering work from Lichfield Diocese featured in national conference
Lindsey Hall Director of Vocations for the diocese reflects on recent events
Thy Kingdom Come has seen a peak of prayer activity in Shropshire, Staffordshire and the Black Country
Who am I - priest, beacon, servant?
A 180-mile prayer pilgrimage for the NHS sets off from Stafford.
Bishop Michael joins Christians in Burton on Ascension Day as Thy Kingdom Come launches.
Lichfield Diocese stands with Manchester following Monday's terrorist attack.
People from throughout the Diocese gathered at Lichfield Cathedral to celebrate together.
The Diocese pledges its support to the Armed Forces community across the Midlands.
Lichfield diocese is the first nationally to be recognised as a dementia-friendly community.
Christians across the Diocese are being urged to become organ donors as part of their giving.
We are all called. God has given each of us gifts to use for the life of the kingdom.
Any job can be a vocation, whether or not others think of it as something you are 'called' to do.