Revd Linda Cox and Revd Jan Waterfield, two of our deanery funeral champions, were at the CofEs national Taking Funerals Seriously conference:
During my years as a priest it has become clear to me that one of the most valuable things I can offer to bereaved people is an authentic relationship with them during this time of personal vulnerability. It is such a privilege to accompany parishioners on a journey from life touched by death to life open to hope. Jan
Walking with parishioners as we help them to get to where they need to be, is not only a privilege and honour, but also a humbling experience. What I can offer is not only time and a listening ear but the opportunity to talk about the person who has died, which friends and relatives may be fearful of doing. I see this as a gift, which does not end when the funeral is over. Linda
As ministers in this Diocese, we recognise the importance of caring for the dying and the bereaved and taking funerals seriously as part of Gods command to love your neighbour and Christ's commission to go into all the world and make disciples.
This page provides resources and inspiration for clergy, lay leaders and congregations to engage with the many issues around this subject.
Time well spent
In a busy parish, a funeral for a stranger can sometimes feel like an intrusion into the daily calling to serve the faithful.
But while the commitment it requires is time consuming, taking a good funeral and caring for a bereaved family can be a vital and even satisfying ministry for many ministers, as this video exemplifies:
Time to Celebrate
Funeral ministry isnt just for priests: Lay ministers are a vital part of the team in some parishes and Church of England Lay Celebrants are the answer to prayer for funeral directors hard-pressed for someone to take a Christian funeral for a client:
For more information about training for lay ministry including Church of England Lay Celebrants, see our Vocations and Training pages.
An example of someone who has recently emerged from the Vocations process with experience of funeral ministry both as a funeral director and lay celebrant is newly-Revd Richard Hume:
Following the national churches Taking Funerals Seriously conference, training will be provided around the diocese. Meanwhile, resources are available on churchofenglandfunerals.org and churchsupporthub.org
Organ Donation
Flesh and Blood asks the question, what if the church saw blood and organ donation as part of its giving? In February 2016, General Synod called on all Church of England parishes to encourage their members to consider, as part of their Christian giving if fit and well enough to do so: a) becoming blood donors; and b) registering as organ donors and making their wishes known to their families so that their organs, where appropriate, can be made available to those that need them in the event of the death of the registered donor? For churches wishing to promote organ donation, resources and speakers are available from david.primrose@lichfield.anglican.org

Past experience - our own as well stories shared by our contemporaries and records from past heroes and saints - can be a powerful resource in supporting ministers and the bereaved.
In this short video, Bishop Michael draws inspiration from the tale of St Chad's dying days.
Further resources
- https://www.lossandhope.org/ - Loss and HOPE equipping churches for bereavement support - see selection of case studies from churches.
- https://www.ataloss.org/ - AtaLoss the UK's signposting and information website for bereaved people
- https://thebereavementjourney.org/ - The Bereavement Journey run in small groups for anyone who is bereaved. Now at over 180 churches around the UK