Vocation, Vocation, Vocation
We are all called. God has given each of us gifts to use for the life of the kingdom. But we dont always know exactly what it is we are called to, and we dont always have a clear plan to follow. Julie Jones, the Diocesan Secretary tells how her call has unfolded in unexpected ways:
You never know what God has in store for you, but it has always mattered to me to be whole hearted about my desire to serve Him.
When I was 29 I felt sure God was calling me to the ordained ministry and began a journey of discernment with my Vicar and the Diocesan Director of Ordinands. I also longed to be married and have children and both of these things felt like part of who God was calling me to be. A year later I met Stewart (my now husband, who had been recently widowed and had a five year old daughter) and it became clear that I could not easily pursue our relationship and the training route at the same time. I figured that if I married Stewart, I would have a ministry even if it wasnt the one I had anticipated. And that has been true, I have had many opportunities to serve but the specific call of God has never left me, but it has changed over time. As Stewart and I moved around the country, successive Bishops used my professional HR skills to help in their Dioceses on a voluntary basis.
In 2009 no one was more surprised than me to be offered the Diocesan Secretarys job in this Diocese, a new call on my life that has used much of my previous experience and my heart for mission and people. I love this job and all the opportunities it has afforded me and believe that it is the ministry I am called to, albeit a different one that I envisaged all those years ago. I thank God regularly for the way he has honoured my call and the way he continues to surprise me.
The Vocations and Training team would love to come to your church to talk with you about encouraging vocation. If you would like somebody to preach, lead a workshop, bible study or work with your young people on calling, we would be delighted to hear from you. Contact Angela Bruno
Lord God, we want to serve you:
show us how to share your love.
We want to grow your kingdom here,
so that more and more people live
as followers of Jesus: show us how to share your love.
When we get stuck in our ways,
and care too much about the building:
show us how to share your love.
When we run short on compassion
and forget that your grace is abundant:
show us how to share your love.
We know that you are with us
but when it doesnt feel like it,
pour your Holy Spirit on us:
show us how to share your love.
Help us to use the gifts we have
so that together we can be
your church in this place.
Show us how to share your love,
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who first loved us. Amen.