Universities are welcoming students back after what has been for staff a frenetic summer and for new and returning students an anxious one. The traditional Freshers’ or Welcome Week around the end of September will be unlike any other in the history of Higher Education in the UK. Even now, writing this in mid September it’s impossible to predict what life at university will be like in these COVID-19 days but there will be some constants, new friends, different challenges and maybe a new home town. Four of the diocese’s university chaplains have come together to offer these top tips for university life.
Most people reading this won’t be starting a new university year but you can support students and staff by praying for them and considering how you and your church, if you are a church member, can support students and staff. Students at modern universities are no longer all 18 years on full time courses but all ages, part time, full time and all kinds of backgrounds. Getting to know your local university can be a real revelation if you haven’t had contacts with it before. As a team of chaplains we have valued the mutual support we have given each other over lockdown and have come out the experience stronger as a team. Please pray for us and if you want to know more about our work do not hesitate to contact whichever of us seems appropriate.
As well as the formal chaplaincies, which usually have staff from a variety of denominations and faiths, there are some great organisations supporting Christians at most universities:
Student Linkup is an app and resources bundle designed to equip, build up and support young people as they ready themselves for university life.
The app from Fusion provides them with access to a database of student-friendly churches in their university towns and allows them to communicate with the student worker ahead of time. Register your church here so that students can find you on the app!
The bundle of resources contain three books; student linkup sessions (a preparation guide for how to start uni well, make the most of opportunities, engage well with uni culture), Studentscape (a devotional series to help young people ground themselves in their relationship with Jesus during uni life) and The Students Alphabet (an A-Z of wisdom on everything from accountability to using a washing machine).
- SCM (Student Christian Movement) www.movement.org.uk/
- UCCF (Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship) www.uccf.org.uk