There is a need for more support for people leaving prison according to a new video from YellowRibbonUK and Transforming Communities Together released today.
In anticipation of Prisons Week (14-20 October 2018) when many churches across the country pray particularly for prisoners and those working with them, the video highlights a particular need to help people at the time of their release. Community rehabilitation is a vital part of that work. Leaving prison is often the start of a new set of problems, and having support in getting housed and settling back into society can make an enormous difference to ex-prisoners.
YellowRibbon has been working with short-term prisoners since 2013 and currently provides support for prison-leavers in Shropshire, Staffordshire, West Midlands and Worcestershire.
It runs two projects in Shrewsbury - the Re:Creation Cafe and Re:Creation Furniture, providing placements to develop skills and experience that help reintegrate into society.
But the most valuable support it receives from Christians in the region is from those who mentor clients in the run-up to their release and then on as they rebuild their lives. Mentors aim to be the difference that makes people want to change their way of thinking and living through building relationships, meeting regularly and sometimes acting as the client's advocate when dealing with other agencies.
YellowRibbonUK is experiencing great demand for their services, particularly in Walsall and Wolverhampton at present, and is keen to hear from anyone who might like to know more about becoming a mentor.
Watch more in the video below from our Transforming Communities Together joint venture.
For further information on the projects visit YellowribbonUK.org.uk and for prayers and other resources for Prisons Week, look here.