Photographer John Twinning has put his creative skills to work to help a Staffordshire church celebrate its 175th anniversary.
Acting as a volunteer steward at Christ Church Gentleshaws flower festival, Ian opted to capture the event on camera.
It was so very beautiful that I felt I had to make sure it wasnt forgotten because it was such a significant event in the life of the church.
A professional photographer for over 10 years, John (pictured) won an award in 1983 for a college project on poor housing in Birmingham, scooping first prize in the portfolio category in the Face of the World competition run by Christian Aid and The Observer newspaper. He has been attending the church for three years.
Within three weeks of the event and having had discussions with vicar Martin Butt, John had produced his Inspiration DVD setting his pictures to biblical verses and music.
Scriptural verses had provided the inspiration for the original floral displays so I decided to use portions of those as on screen titles together with background music.
Now the DVD has gone on sale along with a 2013 calendar with some of the profits going towards church funds.
It was a way of using my gifts. The DVD is dedicated to the glory of God and to all who make the event possible.
Copies of the DVD can be purchased by contacting John Email: twinningfineart@btopenworld.com