Thy Kingdom Come, the global prayer event taking place between Ascension Day (25 May) and Pentecost (4 June) has reached 'peak' activity around the diocese.
Beginning with an early Ascension Day service at Burton in the eastern extreme of the Diocese, people have gathered in numerous places to pray - quietly in small group and energetically in larger gatherings.
On Saturday a party climbed The Wrekin in Shropshire accompanied by the Bishop of Shrewsbury, Rt Revd Mark Rylands:
The grand finale of Thy Kingdom Come in the Diocese this year will be a great Beacon Event at Lichfield Cathedral on Sunday (4 June).
Bringing together churches of the city and the diocese, it will be a pot pourri of elements with something for all ages:
It will begin with a service of praise and worship, with music provided by Wade Street Church, Lichfield, and with an address by Bishop Mark Rylands, Bishop of Shrewsbury.
This is followed by an opportunity to explore prayer stations, including a space prayerfully to eat your picnic (please bring one with you!)
At 6pm we will conclude with Sung Compline by candlelight with anointing and commissioning.

Images: Evelyn Harper, Kate Marshall, Robert Mountford, Mark Salmon
Videos: Dave Mack, Hannah Moore