Peter Phillips will be putting his best foot forward for charity literally millions of times when he walks from Lichfield Cathedral to Iona.
The 64-year-old grandfather from Lichfield, is raising funds for two causes which are very close to his heart Christian Aid and The Iona Community.
Peter, who worships at Lichfield Cathedral and is a member of the Cathedral Council, has been a Christian Aid Volunteer for some years. He often goes into churches to talk about their work. He is also an Associate Member of the Iona Community.
Starting on 16 March 2017, Peter hopes to walk from Lichfield Cathedral to Iona Abbey, off the West Coast of Scotland, a distance of 412 miles, in around 40 days. He plans to walk ten to 12 miles a day, staying with host families or at local churches along the way.
Peter said: I am very aware that there are people around the world who live in very disadvantaged circumstances caused through natural disasters, the ravages of war or the changes in the worlds climate. I know Christian Aid is committed to the millions of people who live in poverty. Christian Aid also tries to hold world leaders to account, by getting them to take responsibility to help people out of poverty.
"Christian Aid always takes the long view when supporting communities in many parts of the world.Through planning ahead, if a disaster happens the organisation is in a good position to give practical support straight away, so saving the lives of children and other vulnerable groups."
He added: For the past 30 years, the Iona Community has been working hard on peace and justice issues for all. Recently, it has been active in lobbying our Government to take more refugees and asylum seekers from Syria, Somalia and other parts of the world where people are fear for their lives.
Peter not only wants to raise money to help disadvantaged people throughout the world, he also wants to raise awareness of the plight of millions. While staying with host families during the 40-day walk, he has offered to talk to church groups about the work of Christian Aid and the Iona Community.
People can donate online here or email aplphillips@orangehome.co.uk for details of how to pay by cheque.