The Pilgrim course is a recent offering from the Church of England enabling people to explore the Christian faith together. It approaches the great issues of faith not through persuasion, but participation in a pattern of contemplation and discussion with a group of fellow travellers.
Many parishes are now using it, but some will be surprised to hear that it is being used by other groups too.
The YMCA in the Black Country recently started the course with some of its homeless young people.
Deborah Walton is from Wolverhampton Pioneer Ministries, part of the Church of England in Wolverhampton established to work with young people who don't relate well to traditional church organisations.
It's not the only place that the YMCA and Church of England are working together. Last autumn, a conference was organised by Burton-on-Trent YMCA exploring and explaining the importance of spirituality in helping young people establish themselves in everyday life.
"I've seen that many who end up using the YMCA's services do so because of trauma in their lives and therefore are forced to engage with life's deeper questions" said Revd David Primrose, Director of Transforming Communities for Lichfield Diocese. "The work of the Spiritual Development Officer, Revd Pete Orton is innovative and invaluable."
Delegates were definitely surprised, challenged and inspired by the conference as this video shows:
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