Vocation, Vocation, Vocation
Any job can be a vocation, whether or not others think of it as something you are called to do. And how you do a job can make a huge difference. Angela is a solicitor specialising in Family Law and spends much of her time dealing with divorce cases. She told us this about her call to do this sort of work:
I use my training and abilities to help people rebuild their lives after what is usually one of the most shattering experiences theyll go through (even if they dont always at first realise it), that is, the breakdown of one of the most important relationships in their lives.
Whilst as a lawyer I am only trained to get people through the legal aspects of the huge change in their lives and circumstances that occurs, I can offer a listening ear at times and signpost clients to other people who may be able to provide the help and support they need e.g. counselling. Sometimes people are so tied up with dealing with the practicalities that they cant see that they need emotional and/or psychological support to help them through.
I feel it is part of my role to do what I can to ensure that the often hidden victims of the breakdown of a relationship are considered i.e. the children. Too often, parents are so focused on their own worries and concerns they can unwittingly either forget the children's worries and upset or use them as a way of hurting their spouse or partner e.g, by being awkward or difficult over arrangements for contact. Sometimes it can help by encouraging a parent to see the situation through the eyes of their children.
Our blog vocation, vocation, vocation explores calling from a whole range of perspectives. There are different posts on conventional and not so conventional understandings of what it means to be called by God. You can find it at https://medium.com/vocation-vocation-vocation
I abandon myself into your hands.
Do with me whatever you will.
Whatever you may do I thank you.
I am ready for all, I accept all.
Let only your will be done in me and all your creatures.
I wish no more than this, O Lord.
Into your hands I commend my soul.
I offer it to you with all the love of my heart.
For I love you Lord and so need to give myself,
surrender myself into your hands without reserve
and with boundless confidence
for you are my Father. Amen
Charles de Foucauld (18581916)