Everybody is called. Every person has a vocation something that God calls them to be and do. It might take the form of a particular job or ministry and it might be a way of using gifts with families, friends and communities. Jesus says I have come that you might have life in all of its fullness (John 10.10) and fullness of life means living as God calls us. Calling is about our sense of identity in Christ, knowing that we are made in Gods image and fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). Having a vocation doesnt take us away from the life we should have, it is how we discover what we are made for. As we prepare for Vocations Sunday (7th May) we will be sharing stories of vocation and some of the resources the Diocese offers to support and nurture vocations each day. We hope that you will join us in praying that all people will discover their call to be followers of Jesus and to live the life God is inviting them to.

Vocation, Vocation, Vocation…
Calling isnt just a matter of God calling individuals, we are also called as a church, as the people of God. It is together that we are the body of Christ and part of vocation is to think about what God is calling us to, as well as what God is calling me to. Every parish is different and has different resources, opportunities and gifts. What is that you called to do together?
After they had dropped the kids off at school, the parents stood chatting at the bottom of the church drive, sometimes for quite a while before they went their separate ways. The people at the church noticed this and decided it was an opportunity, and so they put on tea and toast in the mornings for half an hour. Responding to Gods call isnt always big and dramatic, often it is about the small things. And calling isnt just a matter of God calling individuals, we are also called as a church, as the people of God. It is together that we are the body of Christ and part of vocation is to think about what God is calling us to, as well as what God is calling me to. Every parish is different and has different resources, opportunities and gifts. What is it that you called to do together? What are the particular opportunities that your parish has? What might you be called to pray for together?

Would you like to give out bookmarks on Sunday to your congregation, groups or anyone who you want to encourage to think about vocation? Our bookmarks have the prayer below printed on. If you would like some to give out, please contact Angela Bruno and let her know how many you would like. Please consider using the prayer in your service this Sunday (7th May) as the Church of England focus together on praying for vocations.
A Prayer for Vocation
Lord God, we want to serve you:
show us how to share your love.
We want to grow your kingdom here,
so that more and more people live
as followers of Jesus:
show us how to share your love.
When we get stuck in our ways,
and care too much about the building:
show us how to share your love.
When we run short on compassion
and forget that your grace is abundant:
show us how to share your love.
We know that you are with us
but when it doesnt feel like it,
pour your Holy Spirit on us:
show us how to share your love.
Help us to use the gifts we have
so that together we can be
your church in this place.
Show us how to share your love,
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who first loved us. Amen.