As Christians celebrated Pentecost yesterday, the Anglican Bishop of Shrewsbury compared his encounter with the cricketing deity and commentator with the third person of God, the Holy Spirit.The Rt Revd Mark Rylands, speaking on BBC Radio Shropshire, described how in a chance encounter, he was given detailed coaching by the cricketing legend Geoffrey Boycott.I was amazed at the way the great man responded to me. I was expecting some disdainful comments and a few brief directions from Boycott that would put me straight on the matter. But I was wrong. He suddenly became animated; asked me to show him how I stood at the crease and tried to play the shots. He found a bat and got me to play the shots again. Then he stood by me and showed me how my balance was all wrong And Pentecost is the celebration of the occasion where, after Jesus death, resurrection and ascension into heaven, the first disciples were given the permanent presence of God with them to guide and encourage.Like Boycott, God doesnt just tell us what to do and where to go, he shows us the way and helps us on it. He is a divine coach waiting for us to ask him for help.