The Bishop of Wolverhampton, the Right Revd Clive Gregory, condemned the use of a cross in a demonstration by far-right group Britain First in Wolverhampton on Saturday.
Bishop Clive said: "Britain Firsts use of the cross and claim to support Christianity is actually a kind of blasphemy. Jesus way is always the path of peace and reconciliation, of self-sacrifice and costly love, and in our contemporary multicultural society, that means particularly in our relationships with our neighbours of other faiths, including Muslims."
The Revd Ray Gaston, Bishops Advisor on Inter Faith relations, added: "The Church believes that what Britain First stand for is a denial of the Christian gospel. We value good relations with our Muslim brothers and sisters and recognise that our lives are enriched by them."
Both the Church of England and The Methodist Church have been involved in the last year in establishing the Muslim Christian Partnership Project in Wolverhampton and Walsall, that brings together Muslims and Christians to build relationships and to work together for the Common Good.
Find out more about Muslims and Christians working together in Wolverhampton and elsewhere here.