Section 02: Day to Day Arrangements

2.1    Signing in

Employees and visitors to both diocesan Offices (St Mary’s House and Three Spires House) must sign in and out to facilitate fire procedures.

2.2    Changes in personal circumstances

Any changes in name, address, contact numbers, emergency contacts, bank details etc. should be advised to the HR Team in order for records to be updated and kept current.

2.3    Salaries and payment

Salaries are paid on or before the 25th of each month. All salaries are expressed as annual figures and divided into twelve equal parts. Salary advice slips are issued monthly specifying the gross and net amount of the salary as well as statutory and other sundry deductions. Payment is made direct to a bank account.

Remuneration for part-time employees is calculated on a pro-rata basis based on a working week of 35 hours.

2.4    Hours of work

Normal office hours are Monday to Friday, 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Full time employees are expected to take one hour for lunch. The nature of the organisation precludes a full flexi-time arrangement but some adjustment to start and finish times may be made by mutual agreement between the employee and their Line Manager.

Hours of work may vary according to location and job. The hours of work applicable to individual staff are clearly stated in the contract of appointment.

2.5    Parking at diocesan offices

Parking is available for all staff based in either of our two offices. In both places there are a small number of visitors’ spaces available however staff are asked to check availability of these in advance.

2.6    Post/mail (Lichfield Offices)

Incoming mail is collected each day and distributed to the respective departments.

Outgoing and internal mail is should be placed in the relevant tray in the Break Out Area at St Mary’s House by 3.30 pm each day.

Internal mail should be placed in the relevant tray in the Break Out Area at St Mary’s House.

2.7    Email and internet use

Whilst access from diocesan computer terminals to the Internet is normally unrestricted, employees are expected to use the system responsibly for the purposes of their work.

The diocesan email and internet policy can be found in Section 8.

2.8    Other employment

Employees should not undertake any other commercial or professional activity on their own account or for another employer without obtained prior permission. Requests should be made to the CEO. Such requests will not be unreasonably withheld provided there is no conflict of interest and not likely to interfere with the performance of a post.

2.9    Confidentiality

The Board expects high standards of discretion and confidentiality of all employees at all times. Failure to comply with these expectations will result in disciplinary action being taken.

2.10   Accepting gifts

Unless of small intrinsic value (such as office diaries), employees may not accept business-related gifts unless authorised by the Chief Executive Officer. The Bribery Act 2011 makes it a criminal offence for any British person or UK resident to bribe public officials and business people.

2.11   Dress code

Normal dress code is smart or smart casual unless the nature of your work on a particular day requires otherwise.

2.12   Health & safety

The Board accepts its moral duty (which is also a legal requirement under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (and its subsequent revisions and addenda) to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all its employees as well as its duty to persons other than employees (e.g. visitors)

The diocesan health and safety policy can be found in Section 14.

2.13   Security

The Board's premises are covered by insurance for public liability, employer's liability, and theft of or damage to contents that are in the Board's ownership. (UK only) Employees are responsible for the safe keeping of their belongings and should not leave cash and other valuable items in unattended rooms.

2.14   Staff facilities

The kitchen facilities in both offices are freely available for all employees to use. You should help keep them clean and tidy by ensuring all surfaces are kept clean at all times, and used crockery washed and wiped thoroughly before allowing it to be used again. Beverages are provided to all employees whilst working in diocesan offices but a voluntary contribution is encouraged.

2.15   No-smoking policy

Smoking is not permitted inside any diocesan Offices.

2.16   Prayers

As part of the Church of England, the Board recognises that the spiritual dimension of the work undertaken by its employees is of importance. A prayer group meets weekly in both houses, and staff are regularly invited to a Eucharist with the Archdeacons at their regular meeting in St Mary’s House. Attendance is entirely optional and no pressure whatsoever is put upon employees to take part.

2.17   Access to HR personal file

The Board supports the principle of openness in its relationship with employees and subject to certain safeguards which it believes to be necessary, will allow employees access to their personal files.

The objective of this is to enable employees to have access to their personal files in order to verify factual information held and where necessary, to correct information which is factually incorrect.

An employee will have to put a request in writing to the HR Team in order to access their file.

Page last updated: Friday 22nd January 2021 11:20 AM
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